Entry Requirements

A. Mature Age Entry Requirements

i. Mature age students (21 years of age and over) may be admitted to a course without meeting the above academic entry requirements where they can demonstrate the attainment of relevant and recognised prior learning experience as per the Advanced Standing Policy and Procedure.

ii. However, such applicants are required to demonstrate capacity to meet course entry requirements. For example, this may necessitate evidence of prior training or other learning, an interview with LIHE, employer references and/or a portfolio of professional work.

iii. Applicants may be required to sit for the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) which provides an avenue of entry to a tertiary institution for those who do not have the formal entry requirements.

iv. Each applicant’s case will be considered on its merits on the basis of evidence of achievement and of their interest in and capacity to work in the broad field of their chosen field of further study.

v. Applicants should ensure that the following information (where relevant) is included in their application portfolio:

        a. certified copies of formal education including level reached, state/country, year, units and results;

        b. details of other study, training or development courses attempted or completed since leaving school;

        c. a detailed resume outlining relevant competencies and experience gained in program related employment

        d. details and proof of membership and affiliations with recognised professional or semi-professional bodies;

        e. Employer references where applicable.


B. Application Checklist

A complete admission application must include:

      i. Signed Application Form;

      ii.Certified copy of applicant’s Passport.

      iii. Certified copy of current, valid Visa (for onshore applicants);

      iv. Evidence of meeting academic course requirements, e.g., a Testamur, Provisional Course Completion Letter and/or applicant’s Academic Transcripts or             a Statement of Results;

       v. Evidence of meeting English language requirements;

       vi. COE from current or previous provider (student visa holders only);

       vii. Evidence of Release or equivalent from the applicant’s principal course if required (student visa holders only);

       viii. Any evidence of prior study in Australia including the latest qualification studied – e.g., the provision of the applicant’s latest academic transcript. This                information will be necessary for determining if advanced standing is available to the applicant;

        ix. Evidence of work experience (where appropriate) and supporting letters from respective companies with dates of employment noted.

C. Special Entry

LIHE admits students under ‘Special Entry’, however the Institute will not normally admit a student who does not meet the specified entry criteria for the course. LIHE recognises that:

        i. a student not meeting the entry criteria may have gained through employment, and/or formal or informal education, experience and/or qualifications                   equivalent to the entry criteria for a given course; and

        ii. students from certain backgrounds, who may be able to successfully complete a given course, may not have had reasonable prior opportunity to                          develop experience and qualifications sufficient to satisfy the entry criteria for that course. Such students may include:

                a. Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders;

                b. Students with a disability;

                c. Students from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds;

                d. Students from non-English speaking backgrounds, including migrants and refugees, and

                e. Students from rural or remote locations.

         iii. To be offered a place in a course of study based on Special Entry, a Special Entry Consideration application must accompany the student’s regular                      course application for review by the Dean.

         iv. In such circumstances, LIHE may admit the student provisionally such that the student must successfully (i.e., without failure) complete their first                       semester of study to be allowed to continue in the course.

         v. Applicants who have met the entry requirements, but have been excluded from any other educational institution, are required to demonstrate that                        circumstances have changed such that they are likely to succeed in the course.

         vi. Applicants whose enrolment has lapsed may reapply under the same entry requirements as all other applicants.

         vii. All students are informed that eligibility for Special Entry does not constitute a guarantee of a place in a course and, further, any student admitted by                   Special Entry must satisfy all course requirements in order to be eligible to graduate as per the Academic Progression and Graduation Policy.